One left his business—
a profitable trade in spice.
The next kissed his wife goodbye.
How long will you be gone?
…Uh, not sure exactly, a while.
The last, with more money than brains,
was the ringleader: Hey, it will be
an adventure. A road trip. A Quest.
So off they went. It was a guy thing.
They had knowledge,
they wanted wisdom.
They had wealth,
they wanted treasure.
They had the answers,
they wanted the truth.
And what did they find?
Indeed, a child had been born.
Oh, and a corrupt monarch
was happy to kill the competition.
They dropped off their gifts
and took the back roads home—
(best to keep a low profile
with other people’s politics.)
Journey over, quest closed,
back to work, home, life.
well, that’s one version…
—Epiphany 2005