Saturday, September 24, 2005

Choice Points

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust and thieves can destroy..."

The Bible study reading this morning prompted discussion of our culture's need to acquire. Whether it be more material possessions, more friends, more responsibilities, more brownie points in heaven, there is a conditioning in us all that urges us to gather. One member thought it could be traced to prehistoric times, when hunting and gathering was a life and death issue. True enough. We still manage to function as human beings on many of the same instinctive levels as we did then. The need to eat, the drive for sex, flight or fight, all these are ancient instincts. But when does gathering become hoarding? When does need transform to greed? Is our mentality one of scarcity or abundance? Whether the conditioning comes from a DNA strand or Madison Avenue doesn't much matter. We are called to look at our choices more thoughtfully. Do I need this or want it? And if I want it, why? What is the unseen and underlying motive?

"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." If all my stuff is stolen or destroyed, will my heart be broken? And what will replace that emptiness I worked so long and hard to fill? These are questions human beings are asking themselves amidst the destruction and desolation left in the wake of the earth's current natural disasters. We are all at choice points: those who have lost everything, certainly. But those of us who still have, what is our response? Dig deep and share? Or hoard that much more stringently?


Sum Kinda Princess said...

What an insightful blog you have here. I thought it was thought provoking when I read this particular post. I am in east Texas, Tyler to be exact. We are experiencing some of the effects of Rita and spent some time "hoarding" stuff to get through the weekend. When I was at the store doing the grabbing for the family, there were lots of people walking around getting their stuff and trying to look like they weren't hurrying to get it before the next person could. We as humans have the instict though, like you said to gather. This time it was for my family. I think I only got what we needed. Except for the bag of 1/2 priced Resee cups! God bless!

Claire Joy said...

Thanks. I stumble and mumble, and occasionally come up with something of value. I'm trusting God to tell me when to shut up and when to speak. (Oh… and I would have gone for the Reese's too.)

Anonymous said...

"We are called to look at our choices more thoughtfully. Do I need this or want it? And if I want it, why? What is the unseen and underlying motive?"

This piece of your entry is so very true for me. I uttered it silently today as I looked at the new digital camera I wanted, but it definitely is not needed. Hence, I'll save for it rather than buying it on the whim I had today. Thanks!